Thursday, December 12, 2013

The social history/domestication of tigers

Tigers are solitary animals that chose their territory and its size based on their available prey. They usually also live in separate territories; the territory also has to be close to a body of water. This wild, exotic animal has remained that way, for this animal is not typically domesticated. It is clear the world has tried through entertainment and as pets. When kept as pets or used in magic shows perhaps they are thought to be domesticated, but there have been tragedies in magic acts and in other instances. This tragedies go to show that such an animal never loses its instinctive nature no matter how long you have bonded or have taught it commands, etc.

The biggest threat to their species is civilization, the loss of their habitats, and being poached.

They are built predators, but in actuality they miss more of their prey then they catch them. They hunt by stalking and trying to surprise attack the prey from behind. Typically, they live up to fifteen years in the wild, but it has been heard of a tiger reaching up to twenty-six years.

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